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5 Elements - Which one are you?

The following questionnaire is to help you discover the constitutional element that you identify most closely with. Many of us will identify with more than one “type” but try to be decisive with the questions, and honest!

Mark each statement according to the strength of your response. If it strongly typifies you, place a “3” after the statement; if it characterises you somewhat, put a “1”; if you feel ambivalent or indifferent toward it, put a “0”. If you have a definite negative response (“I’m not at all like this!), put a – 2. At the end you find out which letter corresponds to which element. Don’t cheat! Let me know how you get on.

Reminder of how to score:

3 = Very true

1 = Quite like me

0 = Indifferent/ambivalent

-2 = I’m not like that at all!

It is typical of me (+) or unlike me (-) to:


1.     be honest, even blunt, though not necessarily tactful or diplomatic

2.     be cautious and sensible 

3.     enjoy frequent periods of solitude and introspection

4.     enjoy indulging my imagination and curiosity

5.     keep my feelings, thoughts and opinions to myself

6.     be content being anonymous or on the periphery of social events

7.     be considered unusual or eccentric

8.     be involved in intellectual pursuits

9.     be content with a few good friends and minimal social activities

10. be content figuring things out for myself

11. be careful about what I reveal to people

12. be a stubborn defender of the truth as I see it

13. be patient and persevering in spite of defeats or dead ends

14. be objective and dispassionate

15. be self-sufficient in or out of a relationship

16. choose privacy over intimacy, solitude over socialising

17. be critical and sceptical while observing people and events from a distance

18. pursue my own interests regardless of what others consider important

19. enjoy projects that don’t involve other people

20. remove myself from everyday affairs and turn inward to quietly reflect upon my place in life in the grand scheme of things


1.     feel confident and act assertively

2.     enjoy being competitive and ambitious

3.     feel powerful and invulnerable

4.     reluctantly acknowledge other people as my equals

5.     openly discuss my abilities and achievements with others

6.     be comfortable with conflict or pressure

7.     enjoy being first, best, unique, or even outlandish

8.     act with confidence and assurance regardless of what other may think or feel

9.     make quick decisions and commit myself to a course of action even if the odds are not in my favour

10. be comfortable with difficult tasks or emergencies that demand “thinking on my feet”

11. feel that I’m right even if others strongly disagree with or disapprove of me

12. feel good about following my instincts and satisfying my impulses

13. be direct or proactive even if it causes discomfort or embarrassment to others

14. take pleasure un public recognition and admiration of my talents and achievements

15. be comfortable leading or directing others

16. follow my own hunches about what is right or wrong

17. to take lead when it us necessary to get things done quickly and effectively

18. act boldly and decisively even if I don’t have all the expertise or information I need

19. enjoy the process of striving against the odds for its own sake

20. to want to reject or argue with other people’s appraisals of me


1.     be animated and enthusiastic

2.     enjoy the pleasure of my senses

3.     easily know what another feels or thinks

4.     enjoy physical contact and emotional intimacy

5.     be comfortable in a very stimulating environment

6.     openly share my most innermost feelings and desires

7.     live in the here and now and not worry about the future or dwell on the past

8.     see the humorous side of life

9.     thoroughly enjoy getting what I want or need

10. be tender, intimate, and vulnerable with another person

11. be comfortable receiving and showing affection and pleasure

12. enjoy being moved emotionally

13. easily become completely involved in the events going on around me

14. become deeply identified with the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another

15. be emotionally sensitive, responsive and intuitive

16. remain optimistic and hopeful in spite of what other may say or believe

17. be completely open and exposed

18. identify and emphasise with another’s joy or pain

19. be unabashed in showing enthusiasm or excitement

20. enjoy being attractive and magnetic


1.     be nurturing and supportive

2.     put the needs of others before my own

3.     enjoy frequent socialising with friends and family

4.     care for others and try to satisfy their needs

5.     enjoy being relied upon for reassurance and help

6.     enjoy being the hub of my social and family network

7.     be agreeable and accommodating

8.     enjoy settling disputes so that all parties are satisfied

9.     help people work together in a harmonious manner

10. create a relaxed and comfortable environment in which very different people can enjoy being together

11. be loyal and accessible to the people who are my friends, relations, or in some way involved in my life or work

12. get involved in other people’s lives

13. enjoy maintaining many diverse, even conflicting relationships

14. be diplomatic and tactful

15. rely on the skill and intelligence of others

16. accept other people’s characterisations of who I am

17. enjoy just being in the company of other people

18. sympathise with the circumstances of others

19. find ways to resolve conflict and bring about agreement

20. get close enough to need another person

21. be comfortable and sociable with people I don’t know well


1.     maintain a near and orderly personal life-style

2.     enjoy a convivial but undemanding social life

3.     be in control of my environment and the way I do things

4.     be strongly committed to my moral principles and standards of conduct

5.     feel secure and confident in my work when I know that everyone is following proper procedures

6.     enjoy tasks that require logical, analytical and systematic approaches to problem solving

7.     appreciate being though of as meticulous and discriminating

8.     think of myself as being impeccable and above reproach

9.     be self-contained and not overly involved in other people’s affairs

10. work easily and efficiently in situations where goals and guidelines are well defined

11. be appreciated or admired for my skill and expertise rather than my personality biases or intuitions

12. be judged or evaluated according to objective criteria rather than personal biases or intuitions

13. accept the authority of those with more competence

14. be systematic and methodical in my work

15. enjoy the process of solving puzzles and mysteries

16. be content with few close attachments or demanding relationships

17. put virtue and principles before pleasure and fulfilment

18. restrain myself in expressing my feelings and opinions

19. enjoy temperance and moderation

20. be tasteful and discriminating



 I am frequently (+) or rarely (-) bothered by:


1.     infertility, impotence, or lack of libido

3.     depression or weariness following sex

4.     diminished recall of recent information or events

5.     diminished acuity of vision or hearing

6.     swelling or pain at the inner corners of the eyes

7.     pain in the arches, heels, or soles of the feet

8.     hypersensitive vision and hearing

9.     stiffness or aching of joints or spine

10. unusual or painful bony protuberances

11. frequent, slow, or suppressed urination

12. incontinence of semen, urine or stool

13. loss of pubic or head hair

14. pimples on the chin or between the nose and upper lip

15. fatigue or listlessness following prolonged mental effort

16. stiffness or pain when bending over or standing up

17. dark brown, purple, or black circles under the eyes

18. aching in the bones from fatigue, standing, or overwork

19. tenderness and hardness of prostate, testes, ovaries or cervix

20. lack of semen or other sexual secretions


1.     pain at the temples, sides, back, or top of head

2.     vertigo and nausea

3.     sudden blurring of vision or ringing in the ears

4.     dry eyes

5.     headache, earache, or eye ache from exposure to wind

6.     difficulty swallowing or tightness of the throat

7.     sharp pain in the eyes, ears, nose, or throat, especially at night

8.     a feeling of fullness or soreness beneath the ribs

9.     sudden sharp or sticking pains in the chest, between the ribs, in the armpits, or in any of the internal or genital organs

10. frequent sensitivity to bright light or loud noise

11. split, hardened, or thickened nails

12. oily skin, especially of the face, nose and scalp

13. frequent tension in the neck and across the shoulders

14. premenstrual grouchiness and depression

15. irritability following sex

16. excessive libido or frequent, uncomfortable sexual arousal

17. severe cramps at the start of menstruation

18. boils or painful nodes under armpits or groin

19. cramping or twitching of the muscles in the eyes, face, ears, calves, or feet

20. eyes that tear a lot



1.     excessive perspiration

2.     being flushed or overheated

3.     craving of thirst for cold liquids and foods

4.     rapid or irregular heartbeat

5.     sores in the mouth or on the tongue

6.     burning sensation in the mouth, urethra, or rectum

7.     easy or uncontrollable excitability

8.     feeling faint, dizzy, or disorientated when startled or excited

9.     diminished long-term memory

10. stuttering or talking to fast

11. nervous giggling or talkativeness

12. premature orgasm

13. insomnia when nervous or excited

14. anxiety or dread at dusk

15. disturbing or very vivid dreams

16. awakening anxious or with a racing heart

17. blushing when startled nervous or upset

18. dry, red, itchy rashes or eczema, especially in the hollow of the elbows, behind the knees, or on the palms or soles of the feet

19. distorted perceptions or mental images

20. inflammation of the blood vessels, tongue, outer ears, or corners of the eyes



1.     obsessive desire for or avoidance of food

2.     rapid weight gain and difficulty losing weight

3.     frequent bloating of the abdomen, especially in the evening

4.     fleshy and tender muscles especially the upper arms and low back

5.     weakness of the neck, wrists, ankles, and low back

6.     inflamed eyelids that tend to stick together

7.     frequent cravings for sweet, glutinous, starchy foods

8.     swollen, sore, or bleeding gums

9.     misshapen nails that tear easily

10. cuticles that erode or become inflamed easily

11. swollen muscles and joints

12. generalised puffiness or oedema

13. easy or frequent bruising

14. feeling full, heavy and lethargic

15. feeling dry but not thirsty

16. lack of stamina

17. premenstrual lethargy, bloating, and water retention

18. pimples on the scalp, eyelids (sties), nose, or around the mouth

19. headaches from prolonged thinking, excessive worrying, conflict or disappointment

20. prolapse of the vein in the rectum (haemorrhoids) or legs (varicose veins)



1.     dryness of the nose, throat, skin or hair

2.     dry, scaly pimples, especially on the cheeks, beside the nose, or on the upper back

3.     lack of perspiration even when hot

4.     itching from dryness

5.     scanty urine

6.     lack of mucous secretions

7.     many enlarged or hard lymph nodes, especially along the sides of the neck or under the jaw

8.     large pores on the face, nose and upper back

9.     many moles or warts

10. frequent sneezing or coughing due to changes in the air temperature or moisture

11. wrinkling of the skin or mucous membranes

12. skin that feels tight or cracks easily

13. congestion of the nose sinuses or larynx

14. frontal headaches due to dryness, or congestion with mucous

15. pain in the chest or head due to disappointment or loss

16. shallow breathing

17. many small varicose veins

18. nasal or intestinal polyps

19. thin, delicate skin

20. dry, painful fissures or cracks of the nostrils, lips or corners of the mouth

How did you score?

Add up the numbers for each answer and compare to find out which element you associate with most closely from their psychological and a physiological aspects (you may find that one element dominates with the psychological and another with the physiological).

A= Water

B = Wood

C = Fire

D = Earth

E = Metal